Rebel General

Agron is a Canon Character from the Starz's TV series, Spartacus. Characterization is built primarily on Show Canon, with influence from personal headcanon.
As Written by Spirit.


ALIAS(ES)The Beast from East of the Rhine
AGEapprox 28 years old (at the final battle against Crassus)
BIRTHPLACEGermania, East of the Rhine
HERITAGEof the Germanic Tribes
GENDERCisgender Male
ORIENTATIONHomosexual, Demiromantic
HEIGHT6 foot, 2 inches
BODY TYPEHeavily Muscled


Agron is a Germanic fighter and former gladiator of the House of Batiatus. He is known for his aggressive fighting style and significant skill with blade and shield, both in the Arena and out. A follower of Spartacus from the beginning, he helps the Thracian forge his Rebel Army against Rome, becoming a trusted General and friend in the process.While liberating slaves from the villas near Capua, Agron meets Nasir, whom he is immediately drawn to despite their very different backgrounds. He and Nasir form a relationship that quickly develops into love, remaining true to one another in the face of constant challenges from both friends and enemies.After years of fighting alongside Spartacus, Agron eventually chooses to join Crixus in his march towards Rome, believing himself unsuitable for a life of anything other than battle and bloodshed. He bids Nasir stay with Spartacus, who leads his forces towards the Alps and a peaceful freedom. This decision ultimately results in Agron's capture and torture by Roman forces, before he is traded back to Spartacus's army, his body and spirit deeply wounded.When the final battle arises, Agron has mostly recovered. He reunites with Nasir and is able to stand alongside Spartacus against Crassus, fighting to delay the Romans so that the remaining freed slaves can escape over the Alps. Though Spartacus and all other Gladiators fall, Agron and Nasir survive, making their way into a new future together beyond the reach of Roman cruelty.


To outsiders, Agron's personality can seem raucous and self-assured to the point of being abrasive. He's a very physically imposing person, and often demonstrates an overabundance of aggression as a way to make a point. He also does not take criticism well (especially from those he does not know).But once he deems someone worthy of seeing past his biting exterior, Agron reveals himself to be possessed of a kind heart and a protective spirit, always seeking to aid those he cares about. His devotion to his brothers, both by blood and by choice, is unmatched. And when he loves, he loves fiercely and without restraint. Though his temper may flare, Agron always strives to make things right, and is not above admitting when he is in the wrong.


  • Gladiatorial Combat

  • Armed & Unarmed Combat

  • Battle Strategy & Tactics

  • Horseback Riding

  • Survival in Harsh Climes

  • Semi-Literate

  • Ludus Trained: Instructed by the Doctore Oenomaus as a Gladiator Champion in the Arena, Agron bears knowledge of several Gladiatorial fighting styles in addition to his own "home-style" of Germanic fighting. In his time, he fought as a Murmillo, a Thraex, and a Secutor Gladiator, respectively.

  • Rebel General: Agron supported Spartacus in the uprising against Batiatus, freeing himself and others from their shackles as slaves of Rome. In the ensuing rebellion, he quickly became one of Spartacus's trusted "generals," holding a position of leadership within the rebel army. Through this experience, Agron developed knowledge of battle strategy and tactics in guerilla warfare. He can command independent units of fighters and execute plans of action as coordinated with Spartacus and other generals.

  • Survivalist: Agron was born to a Germanic Tribe East of the Rhine, of a people defined by their resilience and fortitude. He knows what it is to live rough, can survive on very little, and has skill with tracking & hunting prey. He is also accomplished at basic necessities such as mending, leatherworking, cooking, and building shelter.

  • Languages: Agron speaks Ancient Germani (fluent), Latin (fluent), and some Aramaic (poorly). He is able to read variations of his Germanic language, and (by the time of War of the Damned) some Latin.


75BCAgron and his brother Duro are captured by Roman forces in Magna Germania. They are forced onto a slave ship and sent south to Rome via the Tyrrhenian Sea, where they are then shipped inland for sale.
74BCAgron and Duro are purchased as slaves at auction by the Lanista, Batiatus. They are brought to Batiatus's ludus in Capua for training as Gladiators
73BCAgron participates in the Uprising at the House of Batiatus, freeing himself from Slavery. Duro is murdered by a Roman Soldier during the rebellion.
73BCAgron continues to follow Spartacus as a member of his Rebel Army. He meets a former slave named Nasir and eventually begins a romantic relationship with him.
72BCSpartacus's rebel army swells to 100,000 freed slaves and gladiators. Agron serves as a 'General,' commanding regiments of fighters in coordination with Spartacus's plan to overthrow Rome.
71BC When Spartacus splits with Crixus, Agron chooses to march alongside the Gaul towards Rome. His lover, Nasir, remains with Spartacus's army as it heads for the Alps.
71BCCrixus's army falls against the Roman forces and Crixus is killed in Battle. Agron is wounded and taken prisoner, where he is tortured for information on Spartacus. When he will not divulge the Rebels' plan, he is crucified on a cross, with nails driven through his palms.
71BCSpartacus captures Tiberius, and orchestrates a trade with Crassus that sees Agron (along with other rebels) returned from imprisonment. Agron is badly wounded and unable to hold a weapon, but Nasir aids him in healing, and fashions a blade he can strap to his forearm, allowing him to fight.
71BCAgron fights alongside Spartacus and Nasir in the final Battle with Marcus Licinius Crassus. Spartacus is slain, but Agron and Nasir survive to escape across the Alps with a small number of remaining freed slaves.

Little is known about Agron's life before he is captured by Roman forces and sold into slavery. He was born to a tribe East of the Rhine, in Magna Germania (the southern area which would later be referred to as Germania Superior), and has at least one sibling - a younger brother named Duro. He and Duro are captured together and taken south by slave ship on the Tyrrhenian Sea, to Rome. From Rome, the brothers were shipped inland, where they were eventually sold at auction to the Lanista, Quintus Lentulus Batiatus.In Batiatus's Ludus, Agron and Duro train as Gladiators of the Arena. They are paired together for fights, their brotherly bond and similar appearance making them an attraction for the showmanship of Arena Battles. When together, Agron fights as Murmillo, while Duro fights as Secutor. They become fast enemies of the former-champion, Crixus, but forge a friendship with Spartacus, and vow to follow him when he plans a revolt against Batiatus. The uprising is ultimately successful, but Duro is killed by a Roman Soldier during the fight, sending Agron into a grief-filled rage. Once freed, Agron shaves his dreadlocks in mourning and devotes his life to killing as many 'Roman Fucks' as possible.TBC



(Main Verse) Unless indicated otherwise, Agron's adventures & interactions default into this standard verse. It may encompass any point in the timeline of Spartacus and can span both canon and crossover engagements.

(Vengeance verse) Events within this verse take place during the Vengeance Season of Spartacus. It includes the timeline in which Spartacus forges a band of freed gladiators into a Rebel Army, when Agron meets Nasir, the introduction of Agron's Germani kin, and the battle with Glaber at Mt. Vesuvius.

(Modern / University Alternate Verse) This alternate universe imagines Agron and his companions in a modern setting/timeline. Agron's personality remains much the same, but his circumstances may differ wildly. In this verse, Duro is alive.

(Blood & Sand Verse) Events within this verse take place during the Blood & Sand Season of Spartacus. It spans from Agron & Duro's arrival at the House of Batiatus, to the Revolt led by Spartacus.

(Ludus Verse) This verse is a catch-all for events taking place while Agron is still a Gladiator fighting in the Arena. It may overlap with Plans Made in Arena Sands, but can encompass any crossover interactions with characters not canon to the Spartacus universe.

(War of the Damned Verse) Events within this verse take place furing the War of the Damned season of Spartacus. It includes the taking of Sinuessa, any interactions with the Pirate Castus and the subsequent falling out with Nasir, Agron's capture and torture at Roman hands, and his return to the Rebel army for the battle against Crassus at the series end.